陰謀集團的末日續集第三集:遍及全球的怒火 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 3: World Wide Wrath)

Lenin and the Russian Revolution / 列寧與俄國革命 Lenin’s Jesuit influences / 列寧所受的耶穌會影響 The Jesuits and communism / 耶穌會與共產主義 The Wall Street crash / 華爾街股災 The creation of income tax / 所得稅的誕生 Hitler’s family secret / 希特勒的家族秘密 Hitler’s Jesuit influences / 希特勒所受的耶穌會影響 The Balfour Declaration and Israel vs Palestine /《貝爾福宣言》與以巴衝突 Subscribe to my BitChute channel /Continue reading “陰謀集團的末日續集第三集:遍及全球的怒火 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 3: World Wide Wrath)”

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