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Simplified Chinese is not my language. China is not my country. Too often, the existence of those of us who do not use Simplified Chinese and/or are not from China get forgotten by content creators who have their videos translated into different languages – that is why this website is here. 100% human translation. All relevant researches done in the process. Thus bringing viewers the best possible subtitle quality.

簡體中文不是我的語言; 中國不是我的國家。不使用簡體中文也/或者不來自中國的我們的存在幾乎總是被號稱影片有被翻成多國語言的媒體創作者遺忘 — 之所以有本站的存在。本譯社出品100%人腦翻譯; 翻譯期間所有該查的相關資料都查過, 因此盡可能為觀眾帶來最好的字幕品質。

Great Awakening Subtitles started uploading The Fall of the Cabal with Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) subtitles on BitChute since July 2020. Although I only started my subtitling work 3 years after Q began their posts – my channel far less well-known than the simplified Chinese one shared on Fall Cabal‘s website; as a freelance translator, contract work being my priority, I also do not produce as much content as other websites or channels – it is never too late to propagate the content I translate. Also, the quality of my subtitles is definitely as good as my predecessors’ – if not superior. If you ever reach this page/site, please use it freely, share the posts, subscribe, or support me financially if you can. Many thanks!

本譯社2020年7月起開始在BitChute上傳《陰謀集團的末日》(The Fall of the Cabal)台灣繁體中文字幕版。雖然在Q開始po文的3年後才開始字幕翻譯工作, 知名度遠不及原影片製作者網站上分享的簡體中文版; 本身為自由譯者, 以合約工作為優先, 產量也遠不及其他網站或頻道, 但是這些內容的散播永遠不嫌晚, 本譯社的字幕水準也絕對不輸前輩們。若路過請多加利用, 分享, 訂閱或金錢資助, 感激不盡!

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