陰謀集團的末日續集第廿七集:世界經濟論壇之人類的終結 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 27: WEF – The End of Homo Sapiens)

The World Economic Forum: the biggest and most dangerous NGO in the world / 世界經濟論壇: 世界上最龐大, 最危險的非政府組織 From Klaus Schwab to you: “We penetrate the cabinets”; cyber attacks; China: role model for many countries; “We define the future”; the 4th Industrial Revolution changes you; things will not go back to normal post COVID; the climateContinue reading “陰謀集團的末日續集第廿七集:世界經濟論壇之人類的終結 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 27: WEF – The End of Homo Sapiens)”

陰謀集團的末日續集第二集:戰爭思想 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 2: The Ideology of War)

Bund der Perfectibilisten (Illuminati a.k.a. Cabal) founded by Weishaupt and Rothschild in 1776 / 魏薩普與羅斯柴爾德於1776年共創至善主義會(光明會, 即陰謀集團) The Constantinople Letter / 《君士坦丁堡書信》 Revenge of the Ashkenazi Jews (Khazars) / 亞實基拿猶太人(可薩人)的復仇 The first pawn of the Illuminati: Napoleon; the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars / 光明會的第一枚棋子: 拿破崙; 法國大革命與拿破崙戰爭 The first World War / 第一次世界大戰 Subscribe toContinue reading “陰謀集團的末日續集第二集:戰爭思想 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 2: The Ideology of War)”

陰謀集團的末日續集第一集:陰謀集團的誕生 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 1: The Birth of the Cabal)

Who is the Cabal? / 陰謀集團是誰? Ancient Sumer / 蘇美古文明 Khazaria/Khazars / 可薩汗國/可薩人 Ba’al/Moloch worshipping / 巴力/摩洛克祭祀 Russia vs the Khazar “Jews” and the exodus of the latter / 俄羅斯對上可薩”猶太人”; 大批可薩人移出 Ashkenazi Jews / 亞實基拿猶太人 The Rothschilds / 羅斯柴爾德家族 The Crusades / 十字軍東征 ***14:25 The Crusaders were definitely not saints. However, it is also extremelyContinue reading “陰謀集團的末日續集第一集:陰謀集團的誕生 (The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 1: The Birth of the Cabal)”

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